
pharmacyMidwest Natural Medicine has a full pharmacy with a variety of supplements. Most of our supplements are prescription only but we also have many that are available for the general public. These general products include :

  • Ultra Meal: shake which aids in weight loss. Flavors: raspberry, strawberry, peach, mocha, and chocolate
  • Dynamic Greens : powdered antioxidant boost of fruits & veggies. Flavors: berry, strawberry kiwi, and chocolate
  • Probiotics to aid in digestion. UltraFlora Balance & UltraFlora Spectrum
  • Phytomulti: multivitamin w/out iron.
  • Dynamic Health Drink: Meal replacement. Flavors: Chocolate & strawberry crème
  • Ultra Meal Bars: Snack bar. Flavors: Chocolate fudge, vanilla almond and apple cinnamon
  • Supernutes: Kids’ multivitamin.
  • Floraboost: Kids’ probiotic
  • D-Hist Jr: Kids’ anti-inflammatory for allergies

Let us know if you need anything!


Upcoming classes

Minnesota Natural Medicine

Dr. Haabala will be teaching community education classes!

Classes are as follows:

“Detox – Cleansing the Body of Harmful Toxins” April 15th – Dr. Haabala

To sign up, please call community ed. @ 320-762-3310 ext.4272